Career Opportunities
Joining the Sims-Fayola team is an opportunity to be part of a transformative force in education. In the face of longstanding inequities, our team is committed to challenging the status quo and creating meaningful change for students of color. Young men of color encounter startling challenges throughout their educational journey, from systemic barriers to individual struggles. Our mission is to address these disparities head-on, fostering an environment where every young man can thrive. By joining our team, you become an integral part of dismantling the school-to-prison pipeline, working towards a future where boys of color are not disproportionately pushed into the criminal justice system. The Sims-Fayola Foundation is not just an organization; it's a movement dedicated to reshaping the narrative and outcomes for young men of color. If you are passionate about equity, social justice, and making a lasting impact, joining our team means contributing to a cause that transcends conventional boundaries and truly matters